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Made in Shoreditch

I also contribute a weekly column to Made in Shoreditch magazine called 'Old East End/New East End', where I look at the relationship between the East End of old and new, looking at the changes and the stalwarts in landscape, residents and culture, focussing on one street or district each week. You can find it here.

I'm Back For Good (Not a Take That Reference)

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Right, I'm back blogging and this time it's serious, no more quitting. I'm going to review new music, I'm going to run the feature on great songs and re-start the 5 of the Best things and post shit in general. Very soon I will be running an unsigned talent feature, just as soon as the guy who's meant to be sorting me out with a load to review gets back to me. So keep your eyes peeled if you follow (not many I know) and if you don't follow, then start!